Pascal ENGEL
(EHESS – Paris)
8 September 2016 | 17h30
Sala do Departamento de Filosofia (Torre B - Piso 1)
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Entrada Livre
8 September 2016 | 17h30
Sala do Departamento de Filosofia (Torre B - Piso 1)
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Entrada Livre
According to the adverbial concepon of truth “the words ‘fact’ and ‘true’ in their primary use are inseparable parts of the adverbial phrases… ‘it is a fact that’ and ‘it is true that’ ” (Prior 1969, CJF Williams 1976). "True" is on, this view an operator on sentences, not a predicate, and the paradigmac truth ascripons are of the form "truly P" rather than "it is true that p". I trace some of the origins of this view in contemporary philosophy, including its affinies with the prosentenal, deflaonal and identy theories of truth, evaluate it, and defend a modest version of it.
Imagem: Willi Baumeister, Colored Ideogram (1939)
Research Group Mind Language and Action Group (MLAG)
Medieval & Early Modern Philosophy
Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto - FIL/00502