PATRÍCIA Joana do Nascimento CALVÁRIO was born in Carrazeda de Ansiães, Portugal.
E-mail: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2818-0149
10/2019 – Present Researcher, project “Red temática de excelencia FFI2016-81779-REDT/AEI: ‘Identidades conversas: descreimiento, asimilación, mística, nueva ortodoxia’”, The University of the Balearic Islands; Department of Philosophy, Spain.
09/2012 – Present Researcher, project “Iberian Scholastic Philosophy at the Crossroads of Western Reason: The Reception of Aristotle and the Transition to Modernity (ISPCWR)”, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Medieval Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal.
09/2007 – Present Researcher, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Department of Medieval Philosophy, University of Porto, Institute of Philosophy, Portugal.
1.1. Previous Position(s)
01/2014 – 12/2019 Researcher, project “Critical Edition and Study of the Works Attributed do Petrus Hispanus”, Commentaries to Dionysius the Areopagite, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Medieval Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal.
05/2017 – 07/2017 Visiting Researcher, “Bibliotheca Mystica et Philosophica Alois M. Haas”, University Pompeu Fabra, Department of Humanities, Spain.
01/2015 – 05/2015 Researcher, project “Animal Rationale Mortale. The relationship body-soul and the passions of the soul in the Commentaries to the De anima of Aristotle in the Portuguese Universities of the XVI c.”, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Medieval Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal.
01/2014 – 12/2014 Guest Researcher, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality and Culture – Casa da Torre, Portugal.
01/2011 – 12/2013 Researcher, project “Imago mundi - Medieval Philosophy in Text and Translation (IM.MPTT-1)”, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Medieval Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal.
19/09/2020 – 28/10/2020 High school teacher, Escola Cardeal Costa Nunes (Madalena do Pico-Portugal). Courses: Philosophy; Psychology; Citizenship and Development; Citizenship and Contemporary World; Personal and Social Development; Problems of the Contemporary World; History, Geography and Culture of Azores, and Citizenship and Entrepreneurship (Special Needs Education).
19/09/2020 – 28/10/2020 Class Head-Teacher, Escola Cardeal Costa Nunes (Madalena do Pico-Portugal).
02/2012 – 09/2012 Guest Lecturer – Aesthetics in Medieval Ages (M.A.), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
09/2011 – 02/2012 Guest Graduate Teaching Assistant – Medieval Philosophy I (B.A.), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
31/10/2019 Main arguer of the Master Thesis: “Between eternity and time: the imagery of clothing in Hadewijch of Brabant” (Maria Luís Leite Pinho).
13/04/2020 Peer reviewer of the article titled “The external representation of the Order of the Friars Minor: the debates between Bonaventure of Bagnoregio and William of Saint-Amour (c.1250-1257)”, Revista Roda da Fortuna 9.1 (2020), ISSN 2014-7430.
2014 – Present Member of the editorial advisory board of the electronic Journal “Enciclopédia”, published by the Degree of Philosophy, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - Brazil.
05/2015 – 07/2019 PhD in Medieval Philosophy (full time), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal. Thesis: “Metaphysics of light and the ‘absorption’ of the body by the Spirit in the thought of Gregory Palamas” (supervised by José Meirinhos). Courses: Knowledge and will in Medieval Philosophy, Power and Unconscious, Philosophy and Literature, Logic and Philosophy.
09/2013 – 06/2014 Certificate in Ancient Greek 2, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
09/2012 – 06/2013 Certificate in Ancient Greek 1, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
07/2011 Certificate “Introduction to Ancient Greek”, Nova University, Portugal.
09/2010 Certificate, “Textus. The manuscript medieval sources”, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
08/2010 Certificate “XIV Corso Internazionale di Formazione Bibliografica: Medioevo latino. Metodologie e tecniche bibliografiche”, SISMEL, Italy.
09/2007 – 06/2009 Master in Medieval Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal. Thesis: “Philosophy and poverty in the works of Bonaventure of Bagnoregio” (supervised by: José Meirinhos; co-supervised by José Rosa). Courses: Latin, Medieval Latin, Modernity and Post-Modernity – A Philosophical Appreciation, Philosophical Theories in Middle Ages, Philosophy of Mind, Political Theories in Middle Ages and Renaissance.
09/2006 – 06/2007 Internship, High School Campos Melo, Covilhã, Portugal.
09/2005 – 06/2006 Specialization in Pedagogics -Teaching of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
09/2001 – 06/2005 First Degree in Philosophy (4 years undergraduate studies), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Beira Interior, Portugal. Dissertation: “Edith Stein: Forgiveness as a possibility for a new beginning” (supervised by José Rosa).
6. PUBLICATIONS (selection)
6.1. Peer-Reviewed scientific journals
2019 P. Calvário, “A ‘mistura de mel e cicuta’: o uso das noções de ενέργεια e οὐσία na defesa dos santos hesicastas por Gregório Palamas” [“The ‘mixture of honey and hemlock’: the use of the concepts ενέργεια and οὐσία in the defense of the hesychasts by Gregory Palamas”], Revista Ideação, 40, pp. 27-37; eISSN 2359-6384.
2018 P. Calvário, “Theosis and the Metaphysics of Light of Gregory Palamas”, Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophy Series 67.1, pp. 227-234; ISSN 0068-317.
2018 P. Calvário, “Per essentiam Deum videre como limitação da omnipotência divina: as críticas de Gabriel Vásquez às concepções bizantinas acerca da visão de Deus”, [“Per essentiam Deum videre as limitation of divine omnipotence: the criticism of Gabriel Vásquez to Byzantine perspectives regarding the vision of God”], Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia 20.1, pp. 9-25.
2017 P. Calvário, “Bounds of Reason in the Knowledge of God: Gregory Palamas’ Criticism of Greek Philosophy”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73.2, pp. 783–92; ISSN: 08705283.
2015 P. Calvário, “The dangers that beset the disciple: the importance of spiritual guidance according to St. Gregory Palamas” [in Russian], in Verbum, issue 17, pp. 177-185.
6.2. Research monographs, chapters in collective volumes.
6.2.1. Monographs
2011 P. Calvário, “O lugar da pobreza no pensamento de Boaventura de Bagnoregio” [“The role of poverty in the thought of Bonaventure of Bagnoregio”] (resumed version of the Master Thesis), Mediaevalia, 30, 40 pp.; ISSN: 2183-6884.
6.2.2. Books
(forthcoming) P. Calvário, Gregory Palamas on the Problem of the Absorption of the Body by the Spirit: A Metaphysical Reading of Light, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, Leiden: Brill (accepted for peer review).
6.2.3. Book chapters
2020 P. Calvário, “Entre o Céu e a Terra: Do Religioso e do Místico na poesia de Miguel Torga [Between Heaven and Earth: On the Religious and the Mystical in Miguel Torga's poetry], M.C. Natário e R. Epifânio (org.), Miguel Torga: Ensaios de Filosofia e Literatura, Porto: IF Porto e DG Edições, pp. 78-85.
2018 P. Calvário, “Frei António das Chagas: temporalidade, imperfeição da alma e união com o divino” [“Br. António das Chagas: temporality, imperfection of the soul and union with the divine”], in Redenção e Escatologia, S. Dimas (org.), vol. 2, tomo 2, pp. 450-458; ISBN978-972-54-0585-7.
2017 P. Calvário, “Padre Joaquim Guerra, SJ: entre confucionismo e cristianismo” [“Fr. Joaquim Guerra, SJ: Between Confucianism and Christianism”], in M.C. Natário et alia (org.), De Portugal a Macau: Filosofia e Literatura no Diálogo das Culturas, Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Porto, pp. 253-260; ISBN: 978‐989‐99966‐9‐4.
2015 P. Calvário, “The problem of deification”, in Triune God: The Philosophical and Theological Significance of St Gregory Palamas for Contemporary Philosophy and Theology, C. Athanasopoulos (ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 222-232; ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-8055-8.
*Reviewed by Pattison George in Philosophical Quarterly 67 (269):874-876 (2017).
6.2.4. Encyclopedias
(forthcoming) P. Calvário, “Corpo” (“body”), “Redução - dos seres ao seu princípio, S. Boaventura” (reduction – of beings to their principle, S- Bonaventure”, “Gregório Palamas” (Gregory Palamas), “Bizantino” (Bizantine), “iniciação” (initiation), “Melânia, a jovem” (Melania, the Younger), “Padres da Igreja” (Fathers of the Church) in Dicionário de Espiritualidade e Mística, E.A. Magalhães e J.E Franco (eds.) (forthcoming).
6.2.5. Reviews
2020 P. Calvário, Stephen Boulter, Why Medieval Philosophy Matters, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 (ISBN 978‐1‐350‐09416‐1), x + 206 pp., Reviews in Religion & Theology, 27, pp. 186-189.
2010 P. Calvário, Alastair Minnis – Rosalynn Voaden (ed.), Medieval Holy Women in the Christian Tradition c. 1100-c. 1500, Brepols, Turnhout 2010, in Mediaevalia, vol. 29, pp. 142-145.
2021 P. Calvário, Mario I. Aguilar, The Way of the Hermit. Interfaith Encounters in Silence and Prayer, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-78592-086-8), 207 pp., in Reviews in Religion & Theology (forthcoming).
2021 P. Calvário, John C. Stephens, Journeys to the Underworld and Heavenly Realm in Ancient and Medieval Literature, McFarland and Company, Inc. Publishers, 2019 (ISBN 978-1-4766-7451-3), 175 pp., in Reviews in Religion & Theology (forthcoming).
6. PRESENTATIONS (selection)
6.1. Invited
2019 Calvário, P. “The Contribute of the Palamite Controversy (14th c.) for the Formation of the Hesychast Identity”, 18th December, Interdisciplinary Conference – Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought, Academy of Finland and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
2019 Calvário, P., “’Entre o Céu e a Terra’: Do religioso e do místico na poesia de Miguel Torga” (“’Between Heaven and Earth’: About the religious and the mystic in the poetry of Miguel Torga”), 21st November, Colóquio Miguel Torga: Filosofia, Cultura, Literatura, Poesia e Paisagem, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
2019 Calvário, P., “Physiology, Psychology and Knowledge in the Medical Treatises Attributed to Petrus Hispanus”, 20th September, 3rd Symposium petrinicum, Max Plank Institut – Berlin, Germany.
2018 Calvário, P., “A luz: hesicasmo e cabala” (“The light: hesychasm and kabbalah”), Identidades conversas, cabala e mística cristã (Converted identities, Kabbalah and Christian mysticism), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, 04 December, Porto, Portugal.
2017 Calvário, P., “Padre Joaquim Guerra, SJ: entre confucionismo e cristianismo” [“Fr. Joaquim Guerra, SJ: between Confucianism and Christianism”], International Congress of Philosophy and Literature: between Portugal and Macau-Lusophone, creative utopia?, University St. Joseph, 30 March, Macau.
2016 Calvário, P., “Frei António das Chagas: temporalidade, imperfeição da alma e união com o divino” [“Br. António das Chagas: temporality, imperfection of the soul and union with the divine”], 7º Seminário Redenção e Escatologia no Pensamento Português (7th Seminary Redemption and Escatology in Portuguese Thought), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, 12 December, Porto, Portugal.
2015 Calvário, P., “O peregrino russo do ocidente: Bento Labre e o sem-lugar” [“The Russian pilgrim of the West: Benoit Labre and the placeless”], Jesuit Center of Spirituality and Culture – Casa da Torre, 20 March, Braga, Portugal.
2014 Calvário, P., “The corporeal experience of the divine according to Gregory Palamas: some remarks”, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, 11 March, Oxford, England.
6.2. Courses and Seminars
2017 “Byzantine Aesthetics: an introduction”, Medieval Aesthetics Master Degree Seminar, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, 18 April, Porto, Portugal.
2016 “The influence of Gregory Palamas on Byzantine Aesthetics”, Medieval Aesthetics Master Degree Seminar, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, 12 April, Porto, Portugal.
6.3. Call for papers
2019 Calvário, P., “The Contribute of the Palamite Controversy (14thc.) for the Formation of the Hesychast Identity”, 18th December, Interdisciplinary Conference – Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought, Academy of Finland and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
2019 Calvário, P., “’Entre o Céu e a Terra’: Do religioso e do místico na poesia de Miguel Torga” (“’Between Heaven and Earth’: About the religious and the mystic in the poetry of Miguel Torga”), 21st November, Colóquio Miguel Torga: Filosofia, Cultura, Literatura, Poesia e Paisagem, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
2019 Calvário, P., “Physiology, Psychology and Knowledge in the Medical Treatises Attributed to Petrus Hispanus”, 20th September, 3rd Symposium petrinicum, Max Plank Institut – Berlin, Germany.
2019 Calvário, P., “India e ‘metafísica hindu’ no pensamento poético de António Barahona” (“India and ‘hindu metaphysics’ in the poetic thought of António Barahona”), 17th May, International Seminar on Philosophy and Literature: Portugal-Goa, The East(s) and the West(s), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
2018 Calvário, P., “Experiência corporal da luz incriada e divina na Defesa dos hesicastas de Gregório Palamas” (“Corporeal experience of the uncreated and divine light in the Defence of the hesychasts by Gregory Palamas”), 6th September, 3º International Congress of the Portuguese Philosophical Society, UBI, Covilhã, Portugal.
2017 Calvário, P., “Asceticism and grace: human power and God’s assistance”, Saint Gregory Palamas Seminar. International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory: Asceticism as a principle of spiritual life in the doctrine of Gregory Palamas, 17-18 November, Pskov, Russia.
2016 Calvário, P., “Theosis and the metaphysics of light of Gregory Palamas”, 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, 24 August, Belgrade, Serbia.
2016 Calvário, P., “’God is the root and origin of every virtue’: the subordination of the social to the theological in Gregory Palamas' Homilies”, Saint Gregory Palamas Seminar. International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory, 1 July, Neamt, Romenia.
2016 Calvário, P., “A ‘mistura de mel e cicuta’: o uso das noções de energeia e ousia na defesa dos santos hesicastas por Gregório Palamas” [“The ‘mixture of honey and hemlock’: the use of the concepts ενέργεια and οὐσία in the defense of the hesychasts by Gregory Palamas”], IIIrd International Congress of Greek Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, 20 April, Lisbon, Portugal.
2015 Calvário, P., “Bounds of reason in the knowledge of God: Gregory Palamas’ criticism of Greek philosophy”, International Seminar «Philosophy and the Experience of God, Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University, 28 April, Braga, Portugal.
03/12/2019 Organiser, opening presentation, Conference “Introduction to the study of the Book of Saint Cyprian: Folk and erudite sources”, by Dr. José Vieira Leitão (University of Coimbra), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
04/12/2018 (with A. Lima), M. Béltran and J. Meirinhos, International Conference “Converted identities, Kabbalah and Christian Mysticism)”, 9 presentations, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal.
05/2017 – 07/2017 “Bibliotheca Mystica et Philosophica Alois M. Haas”, University Pompeu Fabra, Department of Humanities, Spain.
01/2019 – Present Advisor, documentary movie “Luís Cília (Activist Singer) (dir. Nelson Guerreiro).
28/06/2018 – Present Co-Organiser of ROMP (Recitais Ociosos-Musas Poesia/ Idle Recitals-Muses Poetry): 28 June 2018 – Alexandre Teixeira Mendes; 26 July 2018 – Nunes Zarel.lecci; 27 September 2018 – António Pedro Ribeiro; 25 October 2018 – Aurelino Costa; 29 November 2018 – Arnaldo Trindade; 31 January 2019 – Francisco Duarte Mangas; 28 February 2019 – César Figueiredo; 28 March 2019 – Carlos César Pacheco; 30 May 2019 – Sérgio Pereira; 27 June 2019 – Rui Miguel Ribeiro; 25 July 2019 – Francisca Camelo; 29 August 2019 – Paulo Barrosa; 26 September 2019 – A. da Silva O.; 30 January 2020 – Rui Torres; 27 February 2020 – laura alberto.
05/07/2019 – 07/07/2019 Participation, as representative of Espaço Musas, in “Cidade Mais” (event about Sustainability), Portugal.
11/05/2019 Organiser of two live concerts, Sereias and Lonz Dale's, in Espaço Musas, Portugal.
01/2018 – Present Organiser and opening presentations, “Philosophical Gatherings”. 1st Session: Joana Serrado, “Christian anarchism in the mystique of Hadewijch of Brabant (30 January, 2018)”; 2nd: Luís Carneiro, “Secularization and Practices of the Self” (13 March, 2018); 3rd: Prof. Costa Macedo, “Dialectic individual and generality” (10 May, 2018); 4th: Pierre Vesperini translator to French of the book “Fuck Work!” (J. Livingstone), presentation and debate (9 June, 2018); 5th Session: Cláudio Carvalho “The acedia. Historical, conceptual and therapeutic aspects” (2 May, 2019), Espaço Musas, Portugal.