Research projects funded by national or international institutions.
Research projects
Published at 02/01/2015
Thematic Lines
Medieval & Early Modern Philosophy
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
Philosophy of Education
Funded Projects / Projetos financiados
Animal Rationale Mortale. A relação corpo-alma e as paixões da alma nos Comentários ao De anima de Aristóteles portuguesas do séc. XVI
- Acronym: ARM
- Principal Investigator: Paula Oliveira e Silva
- Core researchers: José Meirinhos
- Scholarship: Mariana Leite
- Funding: 50.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: EXPL/MHC-FIL/1703/2012
- Dates: 2013-2014
- IF Research Groups: Reason, Sciences and Nature in Medieval Philosophy & Aristotelica Portugalensia
- website:
Conversations on Pratical Rationality and Human Action
- Acronym: CPRHA
- Principal Investigator: Sofia Miguens
- Funding: 28.000€
- Institution: Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento
- Dates: 2007-2011
- IF Research Group: Mind, Language and Action Group
Iberian Scholastic Philosophy at the Crossroads of Western Reason: The Reception of Aristotle and the Transition to Modernity
- Acronym: ISPCWR
- Principal Investigator: José Meirinhos
- Core researchers: Paula Oliveira e Silva; Manuel Lázaro Pulido
- Scholarship: Marco Toste
- Funding: 90.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: PTDC/FIL-FIL/109889/2009
- Dates: 2011-2014
- IF Research Groups: Reason, Sciences and Nature in Medieval Philosophy & Aristotelica Portugalensia
- website:
Imago mundi - Medieval Philosophy in Text and Translation
- Acronym: IM.MPTT-1
- Principal Investigator: José Meirinhos
- Core researchers: Catarina Belo; Luis Alberto de Boni
- Scholarship: Patrícia Calvário
- Funding: 90.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: PTDC/FIL-FIL/098044/2008
- Dates: 2010-2013
- IF Research Groups: Heuristics and Sources for the Study of Medieval Philosophy
- website:
Base de dados sobre a Matéria Cavaleiresca Portuguesa dos séculos XVI a XVIII
- Acronym: BDSMCP
- Principal Investigator: Aurelio Vargas Díaz-Toledo
- Funding: 50.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: IF/01502/2012
- Dates: 2014-2015
- IF Research Groups: Seminar of Medieval Literature, Thought and Society & Heuristics and Sources for the Study of Medieval Philosophy
Pedro de Barcelos e a monarquia castelhano-leonesa: estudo e edição da secção final inédita da Crónica Geral de Espanha de 1344
- Acronym: PBMC-L
- Principal Investigator: Maria do Rosário Ferreira
- Core Researchers: José Carlos Ribeiro Miranda; Filipe Alves Moreira; Maria Joana Gomes.
- Funding: 50.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: EXPL/CPC-ELT/1300/2013
- Dates: 2014-2015
- IF Research Groups: Seminar of Medieval Literature, Thought and Society & Reason, Sciences and Nature in Medieval Philosophy
Public Space: to see and to think the inheritance - promotion of cultural spaces and formation of cultural action technicians
- Acronym: PS-STI
- Principal Investigator: Paula Cristina Pereira
- Core Researcher: Maria José Rego
- Funding: 3.800€
- Institution: Secretaria de Estado da Cultura - Norte
- Dates: 2012-2013
- IF Research Groups: Philosophy and Public Space
The Bounds of Judgment - from Frege to cognitive agents and human thinkers
- Acronym: BJ
- Principal Investigator: Sofia Miguens
- Core Researchers: Charles Travis, Mattia Riccardi
- Funding: 80.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: PTDC/FIL-FIL/109882/2009
- Dates: 2011-2013
- IF Research Group: Mind, Language and Action Group
Rationality, Belief, Desire I - motivation to action from the viewpoint of the theory of mind (Sub-projecto do Projecto de Unidade
- Acronym: RBD1
- Principal Investigator: Sofia Miguens
- Funding:
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference:
- Dates: 2003-2005
- IF Research Groups:
Rationality, Belief, Desire II - from cognitive science to philosophy
- Acronym: RBD2
- Principal Investigator: Sofia Miguens
- Funding: 23.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: POCI/FIL/55555/2004
- Dates: 2005-2008
- IF Research Group: Mind, Language and Action Group
Science, Technology and Society: Multilineal Analysis of the Knowledge and Action Communities in the Cyberspace
- Acronym: STS. MAKACC
- Principal Investigator: Ramon Queraltó
- Core researchers: Paula Cristina Pereira, Andoni Puelles, Graciano Gonzalez, Javier Bustamente, Carl Mitcham
- Funding: 40.000 €
- Institution: Minist. de Educación/spain/FFI2009-07709 I+D+i
- Dates: 2008-2013
- IF Research Group: Philosophy and Public Space
Scholastica iberica. A filosofia em Portugal nos séculos XVI-XVII e a sua receção e desenvolvimento no novo mundo
- International partners: Alfredo Culleton (Unisionos, São Leopoldo), Roberto H. Pich (Porto Alegre)
- Instituions: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal + CAPES, Brasil.
- Funding: 14.500€ (Portugal), c. 30.000€ (brasil)
- Duration: 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2015
- IF Research Groups: Aristotelica Portugalensia & Reason, Sciences and Nature in Medieval Philosophy
To See or Not to See? Hallucinations in Multidisciplinary Perspective
- PI: Mattia Riccardi
- Funding: 29.500€
- Institution: Fundação Bial
- Dates: 2013-2015
- IF Research Group: Mind, Language and Action Group
Western Iberian Medieval Arthurian Inventory
- Acronym: WIMAI
- Principal Investigator: José Carlos Miranda
- Funding: 33.000€
- Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Reference: PTDC/CLE-LLI/108433/2008
- Dates: 2010-2013
- IF Research Groups: Seminar of Medieval Literature, Thought and Society & Heuristics and Sources for the Study of Medieval Philosophy
Bial competition: Bursaries for scientific research
Estranged from Oneself: Depersonalization and Multisensory Integration in Autistic Embodiment
- PI: Anna Ciaunica
- Participating Institution: Centre for the Study of Senses -Institute of Philosophy London
- Funding: 30.000€
- Institution: Fundação Bial
- Dates: 2014-2017
Investigador FCT Applications - 2015