Could There Be a Logical Alien? – The austere Reading of Wittgenstein and the nature of logical truths
Miguens, Sofia (2015) Could There Be a Logical Alien? – The austere Reading of Wittgenstein and the nature of logical truths, Danièle Moyale-Sharrock (ed.), Mind, Language and Action – Proceedings of the 36th Internationales Wittgenstein Syposium., 22, 283-295, Berlin, Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society – New Series, ISSN 2191-8449.
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Thematic Line
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
Research Group
Mind, Language & Action
Capítulo de livro Author:
Sofia MiguensTitle (article/chapter):
Could There Be a Logical Alien? – The austere Reading of Wittgenstein and the nature of logical truthsTitle (book/journal):
Mind, Language and Action – Proceedings of the 36th Internationales Wittgenstein Syposium.Year:
2191-8449Total pages:
Danièle Moyale-Sharrock (ed.)Publishing houses:
Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society – New SeriesVolume: