Experiencing the World: John McDowell and the Role of Sensibility
Santos, João (2013) Experiencing the World: John McDowell and the Role of Sensibility, Rui Vieira da Cunha, Clara Morando, Sofia Miguens (eds.), From Minds to Persons - Proceedings from the First MLAG Graduate Conference, 159-178, Porto, U.Porto - Faculdade de Letras, ISBN 978-989-8648-05-1.
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Thematic Line
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
Research Group
Mind, Language & Action
Capítulo de livro Author:
João SantosTitle (article/chapter):
Experiencing the World: John McDowell and the Role of SensibilityTitle (book/journal):
From Minds to Persons - Proceedings from the First MLAG Graduate ConferenceYear:
978-989-8648-05-1Total pages:
Rui Vieira da Cunha, Clara Morando, Sofia Miguens (eds.)Publishing houses:
U.Porto - Faculdade de Letras